The phrase “Two wrongs don’t make a right” calls us to disengage from what is wrong and to focus on healing the broken aspects of our world. But how can we heal if we have been systematically conditioned to follow labyrinth paths that only lead to further harm? We are trapped in a system that binds us to negative influences, without ever being shown a path to true peace, education, or empowerment. We have become spiritually dead, part of "the walking dead," unable to see the higher truths that should guide us toward true freedom.
This is not merely metaphorical—it’s the result of a deliberate effort to sever us from our spiritual well-being, civic engagement, and social progress. Those who have taken pride in worldly power and wealth have built a system that has caused us to fall, severed from God’s true plan for us. Biblically speaking, have haughty spirits and people's bias against God created a fall? Instead of embracing the liberty and independence that Christ taught, we are broken, much like a rack of billiard balls scattered by a break shot, sent flying into the corners of greed and control. The ever-widening wealth gap reveals the sincerity of this system’s evil.
A common, dated, phrase often misused by poorly founded Christians is “obey your government rulers,” which serves to keep people subjugated and powerless. This creates a subclass beneath "We The People," neutralizing the authority the American public should have over their government. This erodes the privilege of living in an independent nation, leaving the many as hypocrites to Christ’s teachings.
The Roots of Oppression
The system did not arise overnight. From the Civil War to the removal of farmers, and the Cold War’s manipulative diplomacy, the seeds of oppression have long been sown. These actions, largely aimed at making the rich richer and oppressing diverse minorities, have culminated in an overarching system that values profits over people, deception over truth. Cannabis prohibition is but a symptom of a much larger, festering disease. When examined deeply, the cannabis issue reveals a more sinister conspiracy—a deliberate fracturing of our connection to empowerment, education, social cohesion, and spiritual purpose.
Fear, myth, and xenophobia have been used to drive wedges between us, turning natural allies into adversaries and keeping us in low-vibrational states of fear and consumption. The hand of the oligarchy is clearly visible in this manipulation, and for too long we have allowed ourselves to be misled into adapting to such quiet desperation. But now is the time to lift the veil, to see beyond the false dichotomies we’ve been offered.
The Illusion of Choice: Two Evils
For generations, we have been presented with the illusion of choice, always framed as two evils. In politics, we are told to choose between two parties that serve the same corporate interests. In social matters, we are torn between the false promises of material wealth and the desolation of spiritual poverty. In truth, neither of these options offers us true liberation. The very framework that divides the people keeps us in a constant state of dissatisfaction, eternally battling in an ensnared sense of survival while never quite seeing the glory of restitution of the higher path.
The cannabis issue is the perfect symbol of this false binary. On one side, prohibition—based on lies, fear, and exploiting moralistic control—promotes criminalization and division. On the other side, the monopolized legal industry is another form of control, where cannabis is highly regulated to serve corporate and state interests rather than empowering individuals or healing communities. Neither path leads to true freedom—only deeper entrapment within the system.
False Patriotism and Disconnect from Christ
This illusion is perpetuated by what can only be described as self-serving false patriotism. We are taught that loyalty to the state, material success, and conformity are the highest goals. This false patriotism encourages materialism, competition, and greed while disconnecting us from our spiritual duties and possible Holy-Land. Instead of striving for justice, peace, and community, we are left chasing hollow dreams of wealth, fame, and individualism. This distortion of loyalty pulls us further away from the teachings of Christ, who called us to love the neighborly, engraft, shine, and promote merciful communal well-being, and is more akin to a worldly and/or wondrous kabbalistic approach of experiencing knowing thyself satisfaction. Even if there was enough time to provide ample fruits of repentance, who could heartily make the most of it?
In reality, the system's version of patriotism serves to uphold the status quo—ensuring that the few continue to profit at the expense of the many. We are distracted from the truth by a façade of national pride, but this pride is rooted in fear, isolation, and division, not in the higher values that Christ embodied.
Fear, Myth, and Xenophobia as Tools of Control
The system has always used fear as a primary tool of control. The War on Drugs is a clear example of how fear, combined with myth and xenophobia, can be weaponized to suppress truth and justice. Cannabis prohibition, born from xenophobic fears of immigrant communities—particularly Black and Mexican populations—demonized cultural practices that threatened the status quo.
By creating an “other,” the oligarchy was able to alienate entire populations, stripping them of their humanity. This tactic not only criminalized millions of people but also created a culture of fear and conformity. It serves to dissuade us from questioning authority or challenging the myths we’ve been fed. In time, fear became a tool not only for marginalizing cannabis users but for suppressing all forms of civic engagement and spiritual enlightenment.
Suppression of Empowerment and Civic Engagement
This misinformation has served the oligarchy’s goal of maintaining control. Grassroots movements—those that have historically empowered the people—are routinely crushed through a foul power structure and oligarchy gatekeepers. The deliberate suppression of cannabis is just one piece of a larger puzzle. By criminalizing a plant that can heal, empower, and economically uplift communities, the powers that be have stifled true social progression.
This has also kept us from realizing the broader benefits of natural, holistic remedies. Instead of viewing cannabis as a gift of the earth that can nourish both body and soul, we have been led to see it through a lens of fear, stigma, and punishment. By suppressing cannabis, the system has ensured that health, economic prosperity, and community well-being remain out of reach for most of us.
Brainwashing into Materialism and Spiritual Death
The system is designed to keep us trapped in a low-vibrational existence—focused on material wealth, competition, and fleeting pleasures—while we remain spiritually starved. In the parable of the wicked husbandmen, Christ warned of those who take possession of the vineyard (our spiritual and material resources) for their gain, mistreating the messengers of truth and leading the people astray.
We see this pattern repeated in our society, where the elite monopolize wealth and power, to leave the people to be distracted by a culture of consumerism, media manipulation, and political conformity. This has robbed us of the ability to think critically, act collectively, and live in alignment with God’s calling. As no major revitalizations in civic engagement have occurred, a trend is appearing where we settle or adapt, and leave a worst capitalizing mark.
A Call to Awakening and Collective Empowerment
Even with the marginalization of effective public deliberation, there is hope. The gateway to true liberation lies in recognizing that this false dichotomy of two evils is itself an illusion. We are not bound to choose between them—we can rise above them. This is a time of great awakening, a time to reconnect with Christ, with our communities, and with our true purpose. By rejecting false patriotism and low-vibrational living, we can step into a new paradigm of justice, peace, and empowerment.
Cannabis, in this context, is more than just a plant or an issue of legalization. It is a symbol of our collective awakening. By embracing it as part of our spiritual and communal healing, we are rejecting the lies of the oligarchy and reclaiming our health, our economy, and our rightful connection to the earth and to each other.
At Mary Jane Peacemaking, we provide not only peacemaking for individuals and collectives, our approach to innovate civic success acts as a gateway to significantly empower our communities, increase public trust, ownership, and accountability in government that has been plummeting for decades. According to PEW Research, since the public trust in the government to do the 'right thing' 'most of the time' has continually fell since the 70s, to less than 2 out of 10 Americans.
Conclusion: The Moment of Liberation
This is not just a briefing about cannabis or a critique of two-party politics. It is a call to arms for the 21st century. Now is the time to lift the veil, to reject the binary of two evils, and to reclaim our collective power. The oligarchy has held us down for too long, severing us from our spiritual purpose, our civic responsibilities, and our true potential.
This is our moment of liberation. Will we continue to see masses as the walking dead, or will we awaken to our true potential? The choice is ours—to remain veiled by the illusion of two evils or to step boldly into the light of justice, peace, and spiritual alignment. The time for awakening is now. Will we answer the call? “'No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.'” - Jesus