Preparing for His Return and the First Resurrection: A Call to Spiritual Readiness
While we value honoring one of our God-given gifts, our apex herb, we want prayers of the saints to smoke a thousand-some over, as well as those affected by the largely one sided War on Cannabis to be well. In the messages to the seven churches of Revelation, we see a divine call to break the chains of spiritual oppression and rediscover the peace found in Christ. This peace is not passive but active, as it demands a rejection of falsehood, injustice, and worldly compromise. The duty of mercy toward those who are genuinely neighborly and in need is essential to this liberation. Just as Christ’s mercy heals and restores, we are called to be agents of that mercy, extending compassion, forgiveness, and love.
The U.S., like the churches of Sardis and Laodicea, stands at a crossroads—appearing wealthy and successful, yet often spiritually hollow. Christ’s call to return to our first love—symbolized by the Tree of Life—invites the us to awaken from spiritual complacency. It is a call to embrace true freedom, not found in material wealth or doctrinal correctness, but in mercy and peacemaking. When we actively fulfill the duty of mercy, we enable collective hope, rekindling love and justice in a world torn by division and oppression.
Each message to the seven churches reveals Christ’s mercy as both a sword to sever chains and a key to unlock spiritual prisons. The oppressed, whether bound by addiction, poverty, or spiritual blindness, are offered the path to peace through Christ. In fulfilling mercy, we answer the call to be peacemakers, healing divisions and offering hope. Christ’s peace—His shalom—is holistic, surpassing understanding, and capable of restoring not only individual souls but also the brokenness of the world.
Ultimately, Christ offers His a door no one can shut, a peace the world cannot give. If we embrace His mercy, we can walk in the light of truth, fulfilling our divine calling to bring justice, love, and peace to all. The messages to the seven churches are not just warnings for the present but urgent calls to prepare for Christ’s imminent return and the first resurrection, times that we are in. As believers, we are called to live in a state of constant vigilance, with hearts attuned to the signs of His coming and lives shaped by His mercy and truth. Just as a bride prepares for her wedding day with joy and anticipation, so too must we, the Church, prepare ourselves for the return of our Bridegroom, Christ.
1. Awaken from Spiritual Slumber: Live with Purpose and Passion
One of the greatest dangers in the days leading up to Christ’s return is spiritual complacency. Like the church of Sardis, many have fallen asleep, unaware that they are living in the final moments before the King arrives. To be ready, we must “wake up and strengthen what remains” (Revelation 3:2). This awakening begins by rekindling our love for Christ, allowing His mercy to transform us daily, and actively seeking to do His will.
Examine your heart: Are there areas in your life where spiritual slumber has crept in? Christ calls us to be watchful, guarding our hearts from apathy, sin, and distraction.
Fan the flame of your first love: Rediscover the passion you had when you first encountered Christ. Return to that zeal, knowing that His return is closer than ever.
2. Clothe Yourself in Righteousness: Purity and Holiness
In preparation for His return, the Church is called to “clothe themselves in white garments” (Revelation 3:5), symbolizing purity, holiness, and a life set apart for God. The first resurrection is for those who have been faithful, who have overcome the temptations and trials of this world. It is not about perfection but about living a life of sincere repentance and obedience, allowing Christ’s righteousness to cover us.
Repent daily: Live in a state of humility, constantly turning away from sin and drawing closer to God.
Pursue holiness: Be intentional in your walk with God, seeking to reflect His character in all that you do. Purity of heart and mind prepares us for the day when we will stand before Him.
3. Store Up Oil for Your Lamps: Be Spiritually Prepared
Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) is a powerful illustration of how we must be spiritually prepared for His return. Five virgins were wise, keeping their lamps filled with oil, while the other five were foolish and unprepared. The oil represents the Holy Spirit, a life fueled by His presence, guidance, and power. We must daily seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit to keep our spiritual lamps burning bright.
Seek the Holy Spirit daily: Just as the wise virgins ensured their lamps were full, we too must ensure that we are continually following Him, filled with the Holy Spirit, living in His power and bearing His fruit.
Watch and pray: Throw the blanket and pray for those underneath it; keep a vigilant prayer life, asking God to keep you sensitive to His voice and ready for His return. Be watchful, for no one knows the day or the hour when the Bridegroom will arrive.
4. Stand Firm in the Truth: Hold Fast to the Word of God
In the last days, deception will be rampant, and many will fall away from the truth. Christ’s call to the churches in Pergamum and Thyatira was to reject false teachings and remain steadfast in the truth of the gospel. To prepare for His return, we must anchor ourselves in God’s Word, allowing it to shape our beliefs, values, and actions. The Word of God is both a weapon and a refuge in times of spiritual warfare.
Meditate on Scripture: Fill your heart and mind with the truth of God’s Word, so that you will not be swayed by the deceptions of this world. Let it be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path (Psalm 119:105).
Hold fast to sound doctrine: Do not be deceived by teachings that dilute the power of the gospel or compromise the holiness of God. Stand firm, knowing that the truth will set you free (John 8:32).
5. Persevere in Faith: Endure Trials and Tribulations
As the time of His return draws nearer, the world will experience increasing trials, tribulations, and persecution. Christ’s message to Smyrna encourages us to remain faithful, even in the face of suffering, knowing that those who persevere will receive the crown of life (Revelation 2:10). Trials are not a sign of God’s absence but an opportunity to refine our faith and strengthen our reliance on Him.
Embrace suffering with hope: When trials come, remember that they are temporary, and Christ has promised eternal life to those who endure. Look beyond the present suffering to the glory that awaits you in His kingdom.
Trust in His promises: Hold tightly to the promises of God, knowing that He will return to make all things right. Your perseverance is not in vain, for you will be rewarded for your faithfulness.
6. Serve Others in Love: Be the Hands and Feet of Christ
Jesus’ return calls us not only to prepare ourselves spiritually but also to be active in serving others. The first resurrection is for those who have shown mercy, justice, and love to their fellow human beings. Christ’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves is not just a suggestion but a critical part of our preparation for His coming kingdom. The spiritually oppressed and marginalized are those whom Christ calls us to serve, as we reflect His love and compassion.
Be a light in the darkness: As we await Christ’s return, let your life be a beacon of hope, mercy, and love. Reach out to the oppressed, the broken, and the lost, offering them the freedom and healing that Christ has given you.
Live out the gospel: Your faith is made visible through your works of love. Honor and worship God, serve others as Christ served, knowing that in doing so, you are storing up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:20).
A Vision of the First Resurrection: The Blessed Hope
The first resurrection is the glorious hope for all who have lived faithfully in Christ. It is the moment when the dead in Christ will rise and those who are alive will be transformed in an instant, caught up together with Him in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This resurrection is the reward for those who have endured, remained pure, and lived in anticipation of His return.
Anticipate His return with joy: Let the hope of the first resurrection fill your heart with joy and expectancy. It is the day when death will be swallowed up in victory and we will reign with Christ forever.
Live with eternity in mind: Every decision, every act of love, and every sacrifice is preparation for that day. Live not for the temporary pleasures of this world but for the eternal reward that awaits.
Conclusion: The Time is Near – Be Ready
The messages to the seven churches, the call to spiritual vigilance, and the promise of the first resurrection are all reminders that the time of Christ’s return is near. We are called to live as a people prepared, not with fear or anxiety, but with joyful expectation, knowing that our Bridegroom is coming soon. Through His mercy, we are being refined, renewed, and prepared for that great day when we will see Him face to face.
In this time of waiting, may we awaken from spiritual slumber, clothe ourselves in righteousness, keep our lamps filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit, and persevere in faith. May we serve others with love, holding fast to the truth and eagerly anticipating the moment when the trumpet sounds, and the dead in Christ rise to meet their Savior.
Be ready, for the King is coming soon.