With nearly a century of public demonization, marginalization, and worse disenfranchisement practices our government has demonstrated in regard to Cannabis, neighborly love in our communities is crucial for righteous peacemaking and justice.
Apart from public and church education, helping our communities with Cannabis wellness, success with its entourage effect as well as opioid, tobacco, and alcohol exit-drug capabilities, and conducting Cannabis charities will ensure a bright future for us where we have moved past such detesting national practices of disenfranchisement.
Mary Jane Peacemaking invites individuals from all communities to stand united against the unjust war on Cannabis. Together, we are creating a more inclusive and compassionate society! In less than 10 minutes one can greatly aid in bringing thorough changes. We also provide leadership programs where we are even able to award outstanding volunteers; contact us to learn more!
Mercy is a central theme in Jesus' teachings, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and compassion towards others.
Proverbs 22:24-25 warns against following furious men as it can ensnare us, which is what we see in regard to the War on Cannabis and Hemp. While cannabis may not yet be normalized for preventative medicinal use, many individuals in-need on prayer lists can benefit from church leadership and social leaders breaking the taboo and rising above the stigma associated with marijuana. Repentance of disenfranchisement and medical forbiddance has already begun nationally, with social and religious organizations like the Quaker Philadelphia Minute of Friends, United Methodist Church Association, Presbyterian Mission Rescue, and many others assisting.
Conviction for Just Rule
Jesus' conviction was unwavering, even in the face of immense suffering. He remained faithful to his message and determined to show the truth. His spirit seen harmoniously with advocacy can be seen in the cannabis community, where individuals, such as our founder's parents, are passionate about promoting the benefits of this plant despite facing opposition, stigma, and worse. Both Jesus and cannabis advocates can demonstrate the power of righteous conviction and the importance of standing up for what you believe in. All the relevant information needed for public deliberation on this topic has been established, with ample education and marketing capabilities to ensure responsible, beneficial, use.
Our Holy Temples
In addition to Genesis 1:29, where God says “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth", Paul states in 1st Corinthians 10:23 “All things are lawful… but not all things are helpful", as well as, in Philippians 4:5-6, to “let your moderation be known unto all men. The lord is at hand". As we've seen, Cannabis use is beneficial does not justify the use of our limited resources for oppressive, zero-tolerance, Cannabis policies that even penalize citizens from personally utilizing hemp.
Cannabis use was first recorded in Chinese medicine over 4,700 years ago as one of the 50 fundamental herbs. It was used in India as one of the five sacred plants in the ancient Vedas. The Essenes sect of Judaism, dating back to the era of the Dead Sea Scrolls, incorporated cannabis, as did the Theraputea (Jewish ascetics) of Egypt, giving rise to the term 'therapeutic'. Described by Philo (1st century B.C.) as devoted to contemplation and meditation, these groups burned cannabis as part of religious rituals. Supported by archaeological evidence of a well-preserved substance found in a 2,700-year-old temple in Tel Arad identified as THC-rich cannabis, Aaron the High Priest of the Israelites likely burned marijuana as an incense offering "during a time of turmoil”. Additionally, the discovery of hashish in the stomach of a 1,623-year-old girl's remains in Beit Shemesh shows cannabis probably being used as an anesthetic during childbirth in ancient Israel. Maimonides, the leading medieval Rabbi (the Rambam), categorized cannabis in his exploration of plants mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as 'kaneh bosem' mentioned in Song of Songs 4:14, Isaiah 43:24, Jeremiah 6:20, and Ezekiel 27:19.
Cannabis doesn't defile our Holy Temples or violate the virtue of temperance, and can promote regeneration, homeostasis, and more therapeutic benefits when incorporating the entourage effect. In fact, abstinence from Cannabis has fueled more than 10 billion incidents of Clinical Endocannabinoid System Deficiency.
How We Can Help
Accountability & Repartiations
Neighborly love and peacemaking efforts can help to build bridges and create a more just and equitable society for all.
Our grassroots peacemaking measures immediately ends the century of racial exploitation of marijuana laws, which is still as high as more than 9 out of 10 arrests being against Blacks in Kentucky. Beyond further social and environmental justice, our measure is prestigious for its public health and "Commonwealth" impacts.
Cannabis reparations, also to address the blanketing epidemic of Clinical Endocannabinoid System Deficiency, are necessary to address the harm caused by its War, particularly to marginalized communities.
Charitable Work
Volunteers and community members play a crucial role in fostering the best path forward for Cannabis related social change. By serving in cohesive charitable work, we can help to break down stigmas and promote education about the benefits of cannabis.
We live in unprecedented times to where we can elevate the normalization of Cannabis, and diminish the "illicit concerns" with proper market influence of wellness.
Together, we can create a more inclusive, engaging, and supportive community that empowers individuals to freely act on informed decisions about their health and wellness.
Our One Joint-Effort
Participate in our One Joint-Effort historical movement and help us move past the war on Cannabis, supporters can get involved in various ways. By coming together and taking action, we can create a brighter future!
Share our efforts with 50 friends and your local government such as your magistrate, commissioner, or city councils.