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We are a Christian-based Unincorporated Non-profit Association serving to help in the shift towards new beginnings from the immoral War on Cannabis (hemp and marijuana), for greater domestic tranquility, a more perfect union, with liberty and justice for all, as well as a leading example in international neighborly love and repentance. 

Bud hope and peace with us today!  Beyond the personal peacemaking needed on both side of the "War", especially after cruel and unusual punishment, emergency efforts are needed for the public health injustice of hypocritical cannabis laws trying to separate what God-joined (our unique herb bearing seed) during a large and silent health epidemic of deficient and dysfunctional Endocannabinoid Systems as a root cause of severe medical conditions every family experiences.  Emergency efforts are also needed in relation to the massive social injustice within Cannabis policies, particularly the racial bias within cannabis enforcement when 70% of Americans view all adult offense for it should end, and states such as Kentucky nearly triples the national bias arresting more than 9 Blacks to every White despite no disparity in use. 


God gave mankind all herbs, and America was founded in protest to taxation without representation on tea, two areas of honor we intend to strengthen despite a historic love-affair with exclusive-wealth building from patenting synthetics to pushing crony-capitalism further while making us less independent and bridles our pursuits of life, liberty, and happiness.  These seemingly goliath-like giants can be highly encouraged to lay down with the Lamb or know His wrath with our innovative approaches.


To help ensure long-term justice we are forming a Class Action Lawsuit, while quickly achieving grassroots success, bypassing the historic unethical government marginalization, immediately empowering our communities with adoptable measures.  Inspired by assured success taken by the Oakland Civil Liberties Alliance in 2004, we can ask our local officials (county magistrates or other members of our local fiscal courts, and city councils) to propose our Lowest Level Enforcement Priority Ordinance+ measure, not only deprioritizing cannabis offenses but empowering civic engagement and improving our governance by having our local courts immediately notify fellow state, federal, and international bodies to take similar action where, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, it shall be lawful for adults to possess, cultivate, use, process, and nonprofit-transfer any and all parts of Cannabis, enabling all adults even the ability to have a Cannabis and hemp business LLC or inclusion of it in their wellness practice; making the way straight for Cannabis related social justice, community and leadership development, as well as wellness and utilization. 

Join us as we establish firm foundations in regard to our beneficial God-given herb, 
and bring justice to a topic that has not only been demonized, marginalized, and disenfranchised against our wellbeing and prosperity for more than a century, but has wickedly mislead the public from the Church with furious men as proverbs 22:22-24 cautions.  We invite you to freeing education below, welcome you to contact us, especially if you could value from personal peacemaking, and put any donations to wise use; join and help us grow today!

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Peace  Love  And  New  Transformation

Sample our publication, page 31 begins to empowers us with innovative Cannabis education!

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